TADs Hands-on Course – Dr. Derek Mahony
TADs Hands-on Course – Dr. Derek Mahony
15 – 16 October 2022
9am – 5pm, Sat – Sun (2 Days)
Dental Education Centre, Alexandria
6/85 Bourke Road, Alexandria NSW 2015
AUD $2000
In this two day course, participants will learn about Temporary
Anchorage Devices (TADs) in fixed orthodontic appliance therapy.
We will demonstrate incorporation of TADs in orthodontic treatment planning, review the correct placement sites, and discuss efficient biomechanics.
* Hands-on Course
TADs Hands-on Course Curriculum
TADs Hands-on Course Curriculum
TADs Hands-on Course Curriculum
TADs Hands-on Course Curriculum
Day-1 Saturday 15th October
The first day of this course will teach you the “HOW” to place TADs.
A pig’s head and a TAD-kit sample to be used during this day will be provided to every student.
– Introduction to TADs
– TAD Design
– Insertion Technique
– Preferred insertion Sites
– Troubleshooting
Day-2 Sunday 16th October
The second day of the course will teach “WHERE” to place the
TADs according to the malocclusion using clinical cases as examples.
– TADs biomechanics for Open Bites
– TADs biomechanics for Gummy smiles/Deep bites
– TADs biomechanics for Class III
– TADs biomechanics for Class II
– TADs biomechanics for protrusion
TADs Hands-on Course Lecturer
Dr. Derek Mahony TADs Hands-on Course Curriculum
BDS (Syd), MScOrth (Lon), DOrthRCS (Edin),
MDOrthRCPS (Glas), MOrthRCs (Eng), FRCD
(Can), MOrth RCS (Edin), FICD, IBO, FACD,
FICCDE, FIADFE, FPFA, Grad Dip Dental Sleep
Medicine (WA), Grad Dip Dent (Ortho),
Principal Orthodontist at Full Face
Dr. Isabel Drewling TADs Hands-on Course Curriculum
Official Damon Master, Official Invisalign
Master, Post-grad in Orthognathic
Surgery, MSE certified (Dr. Won Moon),
Post-grad in Aesthetic and Cosmetic
Dentistry, Lecturer and Clinical Instructor
at Full Face Orthodontics
TADs Hands-on Course Lecturer
Dr. Derek Mahony TADs Hands-on Course Curriculum
BDS (Syd), MScOrth (Lon), DOrthRCS (Edin),
MDOrthRCPS (Glas), MOrthRCs (Eng), FRCD
(Can), MOrth RCS (Edin), FICD, IBO, FACD,
FICCDE, FIADFE, FPFA, Grad Dip Dental Sleep
Medicine (WA), Grad Dip Dent (Ortho),
Principal Orthodontist at Full Face
Dr. Isabel Drewling TADs Hands-on Course Curriculum
Official Damon Master, Official Invisalign
Master, Post-grad in Orthognathic
Surgery, MSE certified (Dr. Won Moon),
Post-grad in Aesthetic and Cosmetic
Dentistry, Lecturer and Clinical Instructor
at Full Face Orthodontics

Derek is certainly an extraordinary figure in the dental world.

“Derek is certainly an extraordinary figure in the dental world. Not only is he the best known orthodontist in the Southern Hemisphere but his insights into the world of airway issues in all age groups puts him in a role where he contributes far more to humanity than orthodontics alone could ever do. Looking at the traditional role of orthodontics, aesthetics and psychological impact were the biggest roles.

The link between airway issues and human development begins in the 12th week in utero. Airway-focused orthodontics demonstrates how good dental management can influence life expectancy. Derek has played a pivotal role in educating the dental profession as to how crucial our role is. Far more than just a great orthodontist.

The General Dental Practitioner can influence life expectancy now just like a great Medical General Practitioner. We are also most often the first to recognise the airway issues of our patients long before a GP gets to see it so we are becoming the one health professional who coordinates the management of these cases. This is the growing direction of our profession and from Derek Mahony, you will be well directed.”

Dr Bob Gibbins, BDSC (HONS) QLD

Dr. Mahony is an amazing and knowledgeable expert in Orthodontics.
“Dr. Mahony is an amazing and knowledgeable expert in Orthodontics. When I attended one of his talks in Prague during the 2009 IOS Conference, I found his stuff about philosophy in Orthodontics really unique and interesting. It opened up my mind into things that I didn’t expect and I am now using some of his knowledge in my workplace. Look forward to attend his course again. Thank you”
Dr. Svetlana Lemtyugina, Russia

Dr. Mahony is a great person with amazing talent to communicate with others.
“I have known Dr. Mahony for over 5 years. I attended his lectures during several conferences in Dubai. He is one of the best and talent speakers that I ever encounter in my life. His lectures are very well organized, clear, without bias and with an outstanding ability to transmit the main message. Beyond his well known abilities as speaker, Dr. Mahony is a great person with amazing talent to communicate with others.”
Juan F. Yepes, Associate Professor, Division of Pediatric Dentistry, University of Kentucky

Derek is certainly an extraordinary figure in the dental world.

“Derek is certainly an extraordinary figure in the dental world. Not only is he the best known orthodontist in the Southern Hemisphere but his insights into the world of airway issues in all age groups puts him in a role where he contributes far more to humanity than orthodontics alone could ever do. Looking at the traditional role of orthodontics, aesthetics and psychological impact were the biggest roles.

The link between airway issues and human development begins in the 12th week in utero. Airway-focused orthodontics demonstrates how good dental management can influence life expectancy. Derek has played a pivotal role in educating the dental profession as to how crucial our role is. Far more than just a great orthodontist.

The General Dental Practitioner can influence life expectancy now just like a great Medical General Practitioner. We are also most often the first to recognise the airway issues of our patients long before a GP gets to see it so we are becoming the one health professional who coordinates the management of these cases. This is the growing direction of our profession and from Derek Mahony, you will be well directed.”

Dr Bob Gibbins, BDSC (HONS) QLD

Dr. Mahony is an amazing and knowledgeable expert in Orthodontics.
“Dr. Mahony is an amazing and knowledgeable expert in Orthodontics. When I attended one of his talks in Prague during the 2009 IOS Conference, I found his stuff about philosophy in Orthodontics really unique and interesting. It opened up my mind into things that I didn’t expect and I am now using some of his knowledge in my workplace. Look forward to attend his course again. Thank you”
Dr. Svetlana Lemtyugina, Russia

Dr. Mahony is a great person with amazing talent to communicate with others.
“I have known Dr. Mahony for over 5 years. I attended his lectures during several conferences in Dubai. He is one of the best and talent speakers that I ever encounter in my life. His lectures are very well organized, clear, without bias and with an outstanding ability to transmit the main message. Beyond his well known abilities as speaker, Dr. Mahony is a great person with amazing talent to communicate with others.”
Juan F. Yepes, Associate Professor, Division of Pediatric Dentistry, University of Kentucky