Experience New Workflows
with Our Partner Integrations
As a platform, Medit Link partners with various global solution providers who share the same idea of growth through openness. Together, we strive to bring our users new workflows that define the future of digital dentistry.
Try out New Functions via App Box Extensions
Introducing the App Box – a new feature that allows you to install available extensions in Medit Link.
In addition to having the flexibility of choosing your own workflows with partner software, the App Box will also include add-on features for clinics.
Better Communication with Your Patients: Case Talk
In order to facilitate smoother communication, we have introduced a new Case Talk menu so you can have conversations with your patients, anytime. All data is stored securely, with the use of PIN and QR codes, so you don’t need to worry about your data being compromised.
New Feature on iScan: Face Scan
You can now scan your face with the i500 via Medit iScan! In addition, you can also import 3D face data and bone
data and align the various data sets for a more comprehensive final result.
Capture Only the Data You Want to Keep:
Smart Scan Filtering
We know the challenge and frustrations of capturing unnecessary soft tissue data while scanning.
Ease your worries! With the smart scan filtering feature, you get to decide how much soft tissue data you’d like to capture while scanning, allowing you to choose the best option for each case.
Customise Your Scanning Workflow: Switching the Order of the Scan Stages
Do you prefer to scan the maxilla first before the mandible? Or the other way around? Whichever your preference,
you now have the flexibility to choose the order of the scan stages to suit your working style and needs!
Medit Link V2.2 Release Notes
New Features -Web
• The Medit Link homepage (meditlink.com) has been refreshed.
• A new service landing page with information about the contents of the Medit Link service has been launched.
• Membership service will be launched in the second half of 2020.
○ My Membership’ menu has been added for users to view their membership information.
○ The cloud storage capacity and other advanced features are offered based on the user’s membership plan.
• A new patient consultation feature ‘Case Talk’ has been added.
○ This patient consultation tool is available only for Clinic accounts and can be managed under the ‘Case Talk’ menu.
○ A list of all the cases created in the app, as well as scan data, can be found in the menu.
○ Communication with patients is possible by sharing a link to the Web Viewer via email or SMS.
• My Information > Group Information: Users can check the record of members who have joined and left the group.
New Features – App
• A button for Face Scan has been added to the form information window for the face scanning feature in iScan.
○ Face Scan files can be managed and used for orders in Medit Link.
• The images captured in iScan can be edited using the Medit Link paint tool and can also be used when making orders.
• The App Box has been added.
○ We have cooperated with Software Development Partners and Solution Providers to be integrated with Medit Link. You can install the
available extension programs vis App Box to complete the integration.
○ Experience a greater variety of workflows with the installed apps.
○ We will continue to add more apps in the App Box.
○ A banner space has been added at the top of the App Box page for partner introductions.
• If you select exocad in the “Set Export Option” window, Medit Link will automatically create a compatible results file.
• The raw scan files that were not uploaded can be reviewed and uploaded individually or in bulk.
•The save path can be set to the local network drive.
○ However, the network drive will not be available in offline mode.
•All users in the group can now be notified when a case has been completely processed.
• The UI of the Case Detail page has been improved.
○ Case history can be reviewed.
○ Case files can be viewed in the form of a list.
○ The transfer status of the file is shown by a progress bar with percentage display.
• The 3D preview image has been improved by making the toolbar smaller so that the user can better focus on the image.
• The support request window has been improved. Users can now choose the request type and select files to attach with the support request.
• Available extension types to preview the attached files in have been added.
○ 2D Image: png, jpg, jpeg, bmp, gif, tif, tiff
○ Video: mkv, mp4, avi, wmv
• A button has been added to allow users to check the notices as well as to update details in ‘My Information’ window.
• Previously, when a lab did not enter the shipping information, the cases in the order box could not be marked as complete because there
was no delivery. The user can now change the status of these cases manually. This feature is not available in the In Box.
• The names of the users who have deleted cases are now shown in the Trash Box.
• Users can select the folder (save path) and input file name when exporting from Medit Link.
Bug Fixes
The following issues have been fixed
• Incorrect alignment of design file and scan results in the preview window.
• Intermittent failure when synchronizing raw scan file.
• Intermittent failure when importing files using the Case Converting Tool.
Partnership status being terminated without any restrictions.